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Dallas-Fort Worth Private Adoption Lawyers Serving Collin, Tarrant, & Rockwall Counties

Adopting and providing a better life for a child is one of the most selfless things a person can do. Fulfilling all the requirements to adopt a child can be difficult, however. Texas families with dreams of adopting a child do not need to unnecessarily feel stressed during this time, as a private adoption attorney can handle every minute detail of the process and bring you one step closer to growing your family.

At the Shemesh Family Law, our attorneys have extensive knowledge about the requirements prospective parents must meet to finalize a private adoption. We have represented parents in North Texas and the Dallas-Fort Worth area seeking private adoptions for over a decade and are prepared to support you as you prepare to begin the adoption process.

What Is A Private Adoption?

A private adoption is when families collaborate directly with the birthmother to legally adopt a child. This can be done with the assistance of an adoption agency, but there is no requirement. A public adoption differs from a private adoption because a government agency, such as foster care or the Department of Family and Protective Services, is involved in the process.

What To Expect During The Home Study

For parents attempting to adopt a child, a home study is a requirement that must be met before any adoption can be finalized. During a home study, parents can expect to have their personal information and documents reviewed and have a background check conducted on them. Furthermore, every person in the household will need to attend an interview with the assigned social worker. The social worker will also ask for any references from family members or nonrelatives that you may have.

To ensure you are adequately prepared for a home study, it is imperative that you collect the required documents, which include your driver’s license, birth certificate, tax records, medical records and any other personally identifiable information. The next thing you can do before the home study is to childproof your home. To accomplish this, you should identify if the locks in your home are working, ensure every staircase has a railing, and clarify that no hazards or dangers are apparent. Finally, you should take time to prepare yourself for the interview. Consider what questions the social worker will ask you and mentally prepare a few answers prior to the interview. Be sure you are genuine and thoughtful about your responses while preparing for and during the interview.

The Difference Between Open And Closed Adoptions

Whether your family decides to move forward with a private or public domestic infant adoption, you will also need to determine if an open or closed adoption is right for you. An open adoption is when the birth parent stays in communication with the adoptive parents following the placement of the child into their home. In this situation, there will be an agreement between both parties detailing how the birth parent will stay in contact with the adopted child.

A closed adoption differs from an open adoption based on the fact that the birth parents do not want to continue communicating with their child or the adoptive family. To determine which of these options is best for your family, think about what benefits the child most. Be sure to contemplate whether maintaining contact with the birth family will be advantageous to the child or if it could negatively impact them.

Uncovering The Emotional Impact Of Adoption

An adoption placement can be an emotional rollercoaster for everyone involved. Children who are placed with another family may have emotional attachment issues, a lack of self-esteem and questions about their identity. As the adoptive parent, it is your responsibility to find healthy ways to cope and deal with these feelings. Building a support system around the child is one of the best ways to handle the mental trauma of an adoption. Families should also find professional help if they believe the emotional impact of the adoption is too much to overcome alone. Additionally, if the adoption was open, staying in contact with the birth parents can help them and the child make sense of their feelings and deal with them in a positive way. For further information on how to help an adopted child adjust to their new living situation, it might be helpful to recruit the services of a local private adoption attorney.

What is the difference between private adoption and agency adoption in Texas?

If you are a Texas resident looking to adopt a child, there are multiple options for you to consider. The first option is an agency adoption, which involves families working with an agency to adopt a child. The agency will show birth parents the profiles of each prospective family to find suitable matches that benefit the child.

The other alternative is a private adoption. This option, also referred to as an independent adoption, involves the family and the birthmother directly working together or collaborating with a private adoption attorney to ensure the legal process is adhered to and all requirements are met by both parties.

How can a Dallas-Fort Worth adoption attorney help with the private adoption process?

No matter how prepared you believe you are to begin the adoption process, an attorney can provide insight and shine a light on areas you may have missed. Additionally, a lawyer can help you complete the adoption application and gather the evidence necessary to prove you are financially stable. They can also assist you in collecting references from family members and nonrelatives while also helping you prepare for the required home study. Finally, if you have any questions, a private adoption attorney can answer them before you make an error or forget an important part of the adoption procedure.

What are the legal requirements for adoptive parents in a private adoption in Texas?

Before beginning the private adoption process, you should make sure that you have satisfied every single requirement to avoid being denied at any point. After submitting the adoption application, your financial stability will be evaluated. Afterward, you will be subject to a background check to determine your criminal history. Next, you will have the opportunity to submit references from relatives or loved ones to strengthen your adoption application. Then, you will need to complete a home study, which involves a Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) employee coming to your residence and interviewing all members of your household.

Learn How We Can Help Your Growing Family

Families in the DFW Metroplex considering adoption must overcome numerous obstacles to prove that they are fit to take care of a child. We understand how challenging and overwhelming this entire process can be and are prepared to support you along the way. To contact our private adoption attorneys, call our office at 214-432-2501 or email our staff by completing the online form.